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Понедельник, 17 Июня 2024

Прошел первую часть курса по пайторчу. Вот ноутбук

what_were_covering = {
    1: "data (prepare and load)",
    2: "build model",
    3: "fitting the model to data (training)",
    4: "making predictions and evaluating a model (inference)",
    5: "saving and loading a model",
    6: "putting it all together"
import torch
from torch import nn
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


Data (prepare and loading)

  • excel spreadsheet
  • images
  • videos
  • audio
  • DNA
  • text

Machine learning is a game of 2 parts:

  1. Get data into a numerical representation
  2. Build a model to learn patterns in that numerical representation

To showcase this, let's create some known data using linear regression formula

Y = a + bX

We'll use a linear regression formula to make a straight line with known parameters

# Create *known* parameters

weight = 0.7 # b
bias = 0.3   # a

# Create
start = 0
end = 1
step = 0.02

X = torch.arange(start, end, step).unsqueeze(dim=1)
y = weight * X + bias

[f"{a}, {b}" for a, b in zip(X[:10], y[:10])]
['tensor([0.]), tensor([0.3000])',
 'tensor([0.0200]), tensor([0.3140])',
 'tensor([0.0400]), tensor([0.3280])',
 'tensor([0.0600]), tensor([0.3420])',
 'tensor([0.0800]), tensor([0.3560])',
 'tensor([0.1000]), tensor([0.3700])',
 'tensor([0.1200]), tensor([0.3840])',
 'tensor([0.1400]), tensor([0.3980])',
 'tensor([0.1600]), tensor([0.4120])',
 'tensor([0.1800]), tensor([0.4260])']
len(X), len(y)
(50, 50)

Splitting data into training and test sets

(one of the most important concepts in machine learning in general)

three datasets

  • training set
  • validation set
  • test set

Let's create training and test set

# create train/test split
train_split = int(0.8 * len(X))
X_train, y_train = X[:train_split], y[:train_split]
X_test, y_test = X[train_split:], y[train_split:]

len(X_train), len(y_train), len(X_test), len(y_test)
(40, 40, 10, 10)

How might we better visualize our data?

There is where the data explorer's motto comes in!

"Visualize, visualize, visualize!"

def plot_predictions(train_data=X_train,
    Plots training data, test data and compares predictions.
    plt.figure(figsize=(10, 7))
    # Plot training data in blue
    plt.scatter(train_data, train_labels, c="b", label="Training data")
    # Plot testing data in green
    plt.scatter(test_data, test_labels, c="g", label="Testing data")
    # Are there predictions
    if predictions is not None:
        plt.scatter(test_data, predictions, c="r", s=4, label="Predictions")
    plt.legend(prop={"size": 14})

2. Build model

Our first Pytorch model

This is very excited... let's do it

What our model does:

  1. Start with random values (weight & bias)
  2. Look at training data and adjust the random values to better represent(or to get closer to) the ideal values (the weight & bias values we used to create data)

How does it do so?

  1. Gradient descent
  2. Backpropogation
from torch import nn
# Create linear regression model class

class LinearRegressionModel(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        self.weight = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(1,
        self.bias = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(1, 
        # forward method to define the computation in the model
    def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
        return self.weight * x + self.bias

Pytorch model building essentials

  • torch.nn - contains all of the buildings for computational graphs (a neural net can be considered as a computational graph)
  • torch.nn.Parameter - what parameters should our model try and learn, often a PyTorch layer from torch.nn will set these for us
  • torch.nn.Module - the base class for all neural network modules, if you subclass it, you should overwrite forward()
  • torch.optim - this is where the optimizers in Pytorch live, they will help with gradient descent.
  • def forward() - all nn.Module subclasses require you to overwrite forward(), this method defines what happens in the forward computation

pytorch cheat sheet https://pytorch.org/tutorials/beginner/ptcheat.html

Checking the contents of our PyTorch model

Now we've created a model. Let's check what's inside.

So we can check our model parameters or what's inside our model using .parameters()


model_0 = LinearRegressionModel()

[Parameter containing:
 tensor([0.3367], requires_grad=True),
 Parameter containing:
 tensor([0.1288], requires_grad=True)]
OrderedDict([('weight', tensor([0.3367])), ('bias', tensor([0.1288]))])
weight, bias
(0.7, 0.3)

Making prediction using torch.inference_mode()

To check our model's predictive power, let's see how well it predicts y_test based on X_test

When we pass data through our model, it's going to run it through forward() method

with torch.inference_mode():
    y_preds = model_0(X_test)

3. Train model

The whole idea of training is for a model to move from some unknown parameters (these may be random) to some known parameters.

Or in other words from a poor representation of the data to a better representation of the data.

One way to measure how poor or how wrong your models predictions are is to use a loss function.

  • Note: Loss function may also be called cost function or criterion in different areas. For our case, we're going to refer to it as a loss function.

Things we need to train:

  • Loss function: A function to measure how wrong your model's predictions are to the ideal outputs, lower is better.
  • Optimizer: Takes into account the loss of a model and adjusts the model's parameters (e.g. weight&bias) to improve the loss function.

And specifically for PyTorch, we need:

  • A training loop
  • A testing loop
OrderedDict([('weight', tensor([0.3367])), ('bias', tensor([0.1288]))])
# Setup a loss function

loss_fn = nn.L1Loss()

# Setup an optimizer
optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(
    params = model_0.parameters(),
    lr = 0.01)
loss_fn, optimizer
 SGD (
 Parameter Group 0
     dampening: 0
     differentiable: False
     foreach: None
     lr: 0.01
     maximize: False
     momentum: 0
     nesterov: False
     weight_decay: 0

Building a training loop (and testing loop) in Pytorch

A couple of things we need in training loop:
Loop through the data and do...

  1. Forward pass (this involves data moving through our model's forward function) to make predictions on data - also called forward propogation
  2. Calculate the loss (compare forward pass predicitons to ground truth labels)
  3. Optimizer zero grad
  4. Loss backward - move backwards through the network to calculate the gradients of each of the parameters of our model with respect to the loss (back propogarion)
  5. Optimizer step - use the optimizer to adjust our model's parameters to try and improve the loss(gradient descent)
# An epoch is one loop through the data
epochs = 200

# Track different values
epoch_count = []
loss_values = []
test_loss_values = []

### Training
# Loop through the data
for epoch in range(epochs):
    # Set the model to training mode
    model_0.train() # train mode sets all parameters the require gradients to require gradients
    # 1. Forward pass
    y_preds = model_0(X_train)
    # 2. Calculate loss
    loss = loss_fn(y_preds, y_train)
    #print(f"Loss: {loss}")
    # 3. Optimizer zero grad
    # 4. Perform backpropogation
    # 5. Step the optimizer (perform gradient descent)
    optimizer.step() # by default the optimizer changes will accumulate through the loop so... we have to zero them in step 3 for the next iteration of the loop
    ### Testing
    model_0.eval() ## turns off gradient tracking

    with torch.inference_mode():
        # 1. Do forward pass
        test_pred = model_0(X_test)
        # 2. calculate the loss
        test_loss = loss_fn(test_pred, y_test)
    # Print what's happening
    if epoch % 10 == 0:   
        print(f"Epoch: {epoch} | Loss: {loss}: Test loss: {test_loss}")
Epoch: 0 | Loss: 0.31288138031959534: Test loss: 0.48106518387794495
Epoch: 10 | Loss: 0.1976713240146637: Test loss: 0.3463551998138428
Epoch: 20 | Loss: 0.08908725529909134: Test loss: 0.21729660034179688
Epoch: 30 | Loss: 0.053148526698350906: Test loss: 0.14464017748832703
Epoch: 40 | Loss: 0.04543796554207802: Test loss: 0.11360953003168106
Epoch: 50 | Loss: 0.04167863354086876: Test loss: 0.09919948130846024
Epoch: 60 | Loss: 0.03818932920694351: Test loss: 0.08886633068323135
Epoch: 70 | Loss: 0.03476089984178543: Test loss: 0.0805937647819519
Epoch: 80 | Loss: 0.03132382780313492: Test loss: 0.07232122868299484
Epoch: 90 | Loss: 0.02788739837706089: Test loss: 0.06473556160926819
Epoch: 100 | Loss: 0.024458957836031914: Test loss: 0.05646304413676262
Epoch: 110 | Loss: 0.021020207554101944: Test loss: 0.04819049686193466
Epoch: 120 | Loss: 0.01758546568453312: Test loss: 0.04060482233762741
Epoch: 130 | Loss: 0.014155393466353416: Test loss: 0.03233227878808975
Epoch: 140 | Loss: 0.010716589167714119: Test loss: 0.024059748277068138
Epoch: 150 | Loss: 0.0072835334576666355: Test loss: 0.016474086791276932
Epoch: 160 | Loss: 0.0038517764769494534: Test loss: 0.008201557211577892
Epoch: 170 | Loss: 0.008932482451200485: Test loss: 0.005023092031478882
Epoch: 180 | Loss: 0.008932482451200485: Test loss: 0.005023092031478882
Epoch: 190 | Loss: 0.008932482451200485: Test loss: 0.005023092031478882
OrderedDict([('weight', tensor([0.6990])), ('bias', tensor([0.3093]))])
y_preds = model_0(X_test)

# Plot the loss curves
with torch.no_grad():
    plt.plot(epoch_count, loss_values, label="Train loss")
    plt.plot(epoch_count, test_loss_values, label="Test loss")
    plt.title("Training and test loss curves")

Saving a model in PyTorch

There are three main methods you should know about for saving and loading models in pytorch

  1. torch.save() - allow you to save pytorch object in pickle format
  2. torch.load() - allow you to load saved pytorch object
  3. torch.nn.Module.load_state_dict() - this allows to load a model's saved state dictionary
OrderedDict([('weight', tensor([0.6990])), ('bias', tensor([0.3093]))])
# Saving our PyTorch model
from pathlib import Path

# 1. Create models directory
MODEL_PATH = Path("models")
MODEL_PATH.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

# 2. Create model save path
MODEL_NAME = "01_pytorch_workflow_model_0.pth"

# 3. Save the model's state dict
torch.save(obj=model_0.state_dict(), f=MODEL_SAVE_PATH)
! ls -l models
/opt/conda/lib/python3.10/pty.py:89: RuntimeWarning: os.fork() was called. os.fork() is incompatible with multithreaded code, and JAX is multithreaded, so this will likely lead to a deadlock.
  pid, fd = os.forkpty()
total 4
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1680 Jun 17 13:24 01_pytorch_workflow_model_0.pth

Loading a PyTorch model

Since we saved our model's state_dict() rather the entire model, we'll create a new instance of our model class and load the saved state_dict into that

# To load in a saved state_dict we have to instatiate a new instance of our model class
loaded_model_0 = LinearRegressionModel()
OrderedDict([('weight', tensor([0.3367])), ('bias', tensor([0.1288]))])
# Load the saved state dict of model_0
<All keys matched successfully>
OrderedDict([('weight', tensor([0.6990])), ('bias', tensor([0.3093]))])
with torch.inference_mode():
    loaded_model_preds = loaded_model_0(X_test)

y_preds, loaded_model_preds
         [0.9944]], grad_fn=<AddBackward0>),
y_preds == loaded_model_preds

6. Putting it all together

Let's go back through the steps above and see it all in one place

# Import Pytorch and matplotlib
import torch
from torch import nn
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Check pytorch version
# Create device agnostic code
device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"

6.1 Data

# Create some data using linear regression formula
weight = 0.7
bias = 0.3

# Create range values
start = 0
end = 1
step = 0.02

# Create X and y (fratures and labels)
X = torch.arange(start, end, step).unsqueeze(dim=1)
X = weight * X + bias

X[:10], y[:10]
# Split data
train_split = int(0.8 * len(X))
X_train, y_train = X[:train_split], y[:train_split]
X_test, y_test = X[train_split:], y[train_split:]
len(X_train), len(y_train), len(X_test), len(y_test)
(40, 40, 10, 10)
plot_predictions(X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test)

6.2 Building PyTorch linear model

# Create a linear model by subclassing nn.Module
class LinearRegressionModelV2(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        # use nn.Linear() for creating the model parameters
        # also called linear transform, probing layer, fully connected layer, dense layer
        self.linear_layer = nn.Linear(
    def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
        return self.linear_layer(x)
model_1 = LinearRegressionModelV2()
model_1, model_1.state_dict()
   (linear_layer): Linear(in_features=1, out_features=1, bias=True)
 OrderedDict([('linear_layer.weight', tensor([[0.7645]])),
              ('linear_layer.bias', tensor([0.8300]))]))
# check the model current device
# Set the model to use the target device

6.3 Training

For training we need:

  • Loss function
  • Optimizer
  • Training loop
  • Testing loop
loss_fn = nn.L1Loss()
optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(params=model_1.parameters(), lr=0.01)
# Put data on target device
X_train = X_train.to(device)
y_train = y_train.to(device)
X_test = X_test.to(device)
y_test = y_test.to(device)

epochs = 2000

for epoch in range(epochs):
    # Training
    y_pred = model_1(X_train)
    loss = loss_fn(y_pred, y_train)
    # Testing
    with torch.inference_mode():
        test_pred = model_1(X_test)
        test_loss = loss_fn(test_pred, y_test)
    if epoch % 10 == 0:
        print(f"Epoch: {epoch} | Loss {loss} | Test Loss {test_loss}")
Epoch: 0 | Loss 0.6950885057449341 | Test Loss 0.5973882079124451
Epoch: 10 | Loss 0.562255859375 | Test Loss 0.4445006251335144
Epoch: 20 | Loss 0.4294232428073883 | Test Loss 0.2916131019592285
Epoch: 30 | Loss 0.29659053683280945 | Test Loss 0.13872551918029785
Epoch: 40 | Loss 0.16375789046287537 | Test Loss 0.019494276493787766
Epoch: 50 | Loss 0.08495063334703445 | Test Loss 0.11849091202020645
Epoch: 60 | Loss 0.07428932189941406 | Test Loss 0.15105655789375305
Epoch: 70 | Loss 0.07158394902944565 | Test Loss 0.16059081256389618
Epoch: 80 | Loss 0.06992298364639282 | Test Loss 0.1630866825580597
Epoch: 90 | Loss 0.06844298541545868 | Test Loss 0.16016355156898499
Epoch: 100 | Loss 0.06697963178157806 | Test Loss 0.1564663052558899
Epoch: 110 | Loss 0.06551346182823181 | Test Loss 0.15276901423931122
Epoch: 120 | Loss 0.0640547126531601 | Test Loss 0.1498459130525589
Epoch: 130 | Loss 0.06258906424045563 | Test Loss 0.1461486518383026
Epoch: 140 | Loss 0.06112288683652878 | Test Loss 0.14245137572288513
Epoch: 150 | Loss 0.05966467410326004 | Test Loss 0.1395282745361328
Epoch: 160 | Loss 0.05819849297404289 | Test Loss 0.13583102822303772
Epoch: 170 | Loss 0.05673231557011604 | Test Loss 0.13213381171226501
Epoch: 180 | Loss 0.055274106562137604 | Test Loss 0.1292107254266739
Epoch: 190 | Loss 0.053807925432920456 | Test Loss 0.12551352381706238
Epoch: 200 | Loss 0.052344001829624176 | Test Loss 0.12259042263031006
Epoch: 210 | Loss 0.05088352411985397 | Test Loss 0.11889319121837616
Epoch: 220 | Loss 0.049417342990636826 | Test Loss 0.11519596725702286
Epoch: 230 | Loss 0.0479557067155838 | Test Loss 0.11227288097143173
Epoch: 240 | Loss 0.04649295285344124 | Test Loss 0.10857568681240082
Epoch: 250 | Loss 0.04502677917480469 | Test Loss 0.10487842559814453
Epoch: 260 | Loss 0.043567411601543427 | Test Loss 0.1019553691148758
Epoch: 270 | Loss 0.0421023815870285 | Test Loss 0.0982581377029419
Epoch: 280 | Loss 0.040636204183101654 | Test Loss 0.09456091374158859
Epoch: 290 | Loss 0.03917798399925232 | Test Loss 0.09163784235715866
Epoch: 300 | Loss 0.03771181032061577 | Test Loss 0.08794058859348297
Epoch: 310 | Loss 0.03624562546610832 | Test Loss 0.08424339443445206
Epoch: 320 | Loss 0.03478741645812988 | Test Loss 0.08132028579711914
Epoch: 330 | Loss 0.03332122415304184 | Test Loss 0.07762306183576584
Epoch: 340 | Loss 0.03185669332742691 | Test Loss 0.0747000128030777
Epoch: 350 | Loss 0.030396845191717148 | Test Loss 0.07100275158882141
Epoch: 360 | Loss 0.0289306640625 | Test Loss 0.0673055499792099
Epoch: 370 | Loss 0.027468383312225342 | Test Loss 0.06438252329826355
Epoch: 380 | Loss 0.026006245985627174 | Test Loss 0.06068538501858711
Epoch: 390 | Loss 0.02454007789492607 | Test Loss 0.056988220661878586
Epoch: 400 | Loss 0.023080071434378624 | Test Loss 0.054065216332674026
Epoch: 410 | Loss 0.021615678444504738 | Test Loss 0.05036801099777222
Epoch: 420 | Loss 0.020149504765868187 | Test Loss 0.04667087644338608
Epoch: 430 | Loss 0.018691271543502808 | Test Loss 0.043747853487730026
Epoch: 440 | Loss 0.017225103452801704 | Test Loss 0.04005064442753792
Epoch: 450 | Loss 0.015758907422423363 | Test Loss 0.036353498697280884
Epoch: 460 | Loss 0.014300691895186901 | Test Loss 0.03343048691749573
Epoch: 470 | Loss 0.012834521941840649 | Test Loss 0.029733281582593918
Epoch: 480 | Loss 0.011369312182068825 | Test Loss 0.02681024745106697
Epoch: 490 | Loss 0.009910115040838718 | Test Loss 0.02311309054493904
Epoch: 500 | Loss 0.008443924598395824 | Test Loss 0.01941591501235962
Epoch: 510 | Loss 0.006981014274060726 | Test Loss 0.01649288460612297
Epoch: 520 | Loss 0.005519521422684193 | Test Loss 0.012795686721801758
Epoch: 530 | Loss 0.004054142627865076 | Test Loss 0.00910497922450304
Epoch: 540 | Loss 0.002660332713276148 | Test Loss 0.0070143043994903564
Epoch: 550 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 560 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 570 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 580 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 590 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 600 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 610 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 620 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 630 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 640 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 650 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 660 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 670 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 680 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 690 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 700 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 710 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 720 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 730 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 740 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 750 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 760 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 770 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 780 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 790 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 800 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 810 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 820 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 830 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 840 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 850 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 860 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 870 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 880 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 890 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 900 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 910 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 920 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 930 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 940 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 950 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 960 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 970 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 980 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 990 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1000 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1010 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1020 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1030 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1040 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1050 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1060 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1070 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1080 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1090 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1100 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1110 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1120 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1130 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1140 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1150 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1160 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1170 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1180 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1190 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1200 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1210 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1220 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1230 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1240 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1250 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1260 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1270 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1280 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1290 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1300 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1310 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1320 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1330 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1340 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1350 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1360 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1370 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1380 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1390 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1400 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1410 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1420 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1430 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1440 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1450 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1460 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1470 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1480 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1490 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1500 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1510 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1520 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1530 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1540 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1550 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1560 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1570 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1580 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1590 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1600 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1610 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1620 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1630 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1640 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1650 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1660 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1670 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1680 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1690 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1700 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1710 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1720 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1730 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1740 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1750 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1760 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1770 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1780 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1790 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1800 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1810 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1820 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1830 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1840 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1850 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1860 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1870 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1880 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1890 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1900 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1910 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1920 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1930 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1940 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1950 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1960 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1970 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1980 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
Epoch: 1990 | Loss 0.0063979425467550755 | Test Loss 0.013234853744506836
OrderedDict([('linear_layer.weight', tensor([[0.9876]])),
             ('linear_layer.bias', tensor([0.0135]))])
weight, bias
(0.7, 0.3)
with torch.inference_mode():
    y_pred = model_1(X_test)
with torch.no_grad():
    plot_predictions(X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, predictions=y_pred)

6.5 Saving and loading a trained model

from pathlib import Path
# 1. Create models directory
MODEL_PATH = Path("models")
MODEL_PATH.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

# 2. Create model save path
MODEL_NAME = "01_pytorch_workflow_model_1.pth"
# 3. Save model state dict
! ls -l models
total 8
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1680 Jun 17 13:24 01_pytorch_workflow_model_0.pth
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1744 Jun 17 13:24 01_pytorch_workflow_model_1.pth
# Load a pytorch model

loaded_model_1 = LinearRegressionModelV2()
<All keys matched successfully>
OrderedDict([('linear_layer.weight', tensor([[0.9876]])),
             ('linear_layer.bias', tensor([0.0135]))])
# Evaluate loaded model
with torch.inference_mode():
    loaded_model_1_preds = loaded_model_1(X_test)
with torch.no_grad():
    plot_predictions(X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, predictions=y_pred)

with torch.no_grad():
    plot_predictions(X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, predictions=loaded_model_1_preds)

Exercises and extra-curriculum

device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"
# Create a straight line dataset using the linear regression formula (weight * X + bias).
# Set weight=0.3 and bias=0.9 there should be at least 100 datapoints total.
# Split the data into 80% training, 20% testing.
# Plot the training and testing data so it becomes visual.

weight = 0.3
bias = 0.9

X = torch.arange(0, 1, 0.01).unsqueeze(dim=1)
y = weight * X + bias
X_train, y_train = X[:80], y[:80]
X_test, y_test = X[80:], y[80:]

plt.figure(figsize=(10, 7))
plt.scatter(X_train, y_train, c="g", label="Train")
plt.scatter(X_test, y_test, c="b", label="Test")
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x79bb148a63e0>

# 2. Build a PyTorch model by subclassing nn.Module.
# Inside should be a randomly initialized nn.Parameter() with requires_grad=True, one for weights and one for bias.
# Implement the forward() method to compute the linear regression function you used to create the dataset in 1.
# Once you've constructed the model, make an instance of it and check its state_dict().
# Note: If you'd like to use nn.Linear() instead of nn.Parameter() you can.

class LinearV3(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        self.linear_layer = nn.Linear(in_features=1, out_features=1)
    def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
        return self.linear_layer(x)
model_3 = LinearV3()
OrderedDict([('linear_layer.weight', tensor([[-0.2343]])),
             ('linear_layer.bias', tensor([0.9186]))])
# 3. Create a loss function and optimizer using nn.L1Loss() and torch.optim.SGD(params, lr) respectively.
# Set the learning rate of the optimizer to be 0.01 and the parameters to optimize should be the model parameters from the model you created in 2.
# Write a training loop to perform the appropriate training steps for 300 epochs.
# The training loop should test the model on the test dataset every 20 epochs.

loss_func = nn.L1Loss()
optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(model_3.parameters(), lr=0.01)
epochs = 300

for epoch in range(epochs):
    # Train
    y_preds_3 = model_3(X_train)
    loss = loss_func(y_preds_3, y_train)
    # Test
    y_preds_test_3 = model_3(X_test)
    loss_test = loss_func(y_preds_test_3, y_test)
    if epoch % 20 == 0:
        print(f"Epoch {epoch} | Loss {loss} | Test loss: {loss_test}")
Epoch 0 | Loss 0.1934860348701477 | Test loss: 0.44704073667526245
Epoch 20 | Loss 0.099742591381073 | Test loss: 0.2774539589881897
Epoch 40 | Loss 0.08286076784133911 | Test loss: 0.20952367782592773
Epoch 60 | Loss 0.07524622231721878 | Test loss: 0.17951278388500214
Epoch 80 | Loss 0.06834527105093002 | Test loss: 0.16077637672424316
Epoch 100 | Loss 0.06149417161941528 | Test loss: 0.1444476842880249
Epoch 120 | Loss 0.05464210361242294 | Test loss: 0.12846292555332184
Epoch 140 | Loss 0.0477910041809082 | Test loss: 0.11213425546884537
Epoch 160 | Loss 0.040939826518297195 | Test loss: 0.09580682963132858
Epoch 180 | Loss 0.03408767282962799 | Test loss: 0.07982330024242401
Epoch 200 | Loss 0.027236470952630043 | Test loss: 0.06349574029445648
Epoch 220 | Loss 0.020384784787893295 | Test loss: 0.04734015464782715
Epoch 240 | Loss 0.013533586636185646 | Test loss: 0.031012600287795067
Epoch 260 | Loss 0.006681408733129501 | Test loss: 0.015028971247375011
Epoch 280 | Loss 0.003223966807126999 | Test loss: 0.006560081150382757
# 4. Make predictions with the trained model on the test data.
# Visualize these predictions against the original training and testing data (note: you may need to make sure the predictions are not on the GPU if you want to use non-CUDA-enabled libraries such as matplotlib to plot).
with torch.inference_mode():
    preds_3 = model_3(X_test)
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 7))
plt.scatter(X_train, y_train, c="g", label="Train")
plt.scatter(X_test, y_test, c="b", label="Test")
plt.scatter(X_test, preds_3, c="r", label="Predictions")
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x79bb148ecd00>

OrderedDict([('linear_layer.weight', tensor([[0.2925]])),
             ('linear_layer.bias', tensor([0.8997]))])
# Save your trained model's state_dict() to file.
# Create a new instance of your model class you made in 2. and load in the state_dict() you just saved to it.
# Perform predictions on your test data with the loaded model and confirm they match the original model predictions from 4.

from pathlib import Path
SAVE_PATH = "models/model_3.pth"

torch.save(obj=model_3.state_dict(), f=SAVE_PATH)
! ls -l models
total 12
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1680 Jun 17 13:24 01_pytorch_workflow_model_0.pth
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1744 Jun 17 13:24 01_pytorch_workflow_model_1.pth
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1560 Jun 17 13:24 model_3.pth
model_3_loaded = LinearV3()
<All keys matched successfully>
with torch.inference_mode():
    preds_3 = model_3_loaded(X_test)
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 7))
plt.scatter(X_train, y_train, c="g", label="Train")
plt.scatter(X_test, y_test, c="b", label="Test")
plt.scatter(X_test, preds_3, c="r", label="Predictions")
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x79bb147a1870>

(Этот же ноутбук на кагле)